
At grō Wellness we believe that food should be REAL: occurring in nature and not created in a lab or factory. Eating REAL FOOD is about simplicity and the willingness to purchase the highest quality foods and sometimes spend a little time in the kitchen. 

Free Downloadable Resources:

Blood Sugar Regulation Diet Meal Plan & Shopping List

Click here to download our 1-Week Blood Sugar Regulation Diet Meal Plan & Shopping List, with Recipes!

All About Weight- “The Plan”

Click here to download the action plan from our All About Weight Management series, presented and archived in our gro Wellness Facebook group (click here to join the group and weekly health classes).


*The Blood Sugar Regulation Diet Meal Plan posted above has a ton of recipes, too!

Breakfast Recipes: 

Ultimate Healthy Smoothie

Gluten Free Eggs Benedict with Basil Puree 

Soaked Oatmeal Custard


Lunch and Dinner Recipes: 

Egg Salad with Homemade Mayonnaise and Pickles

Essential Salad Dressing and Preparing a Perfect Salad

Lentil Veggie Soup with Bone Marrow Broth

Vegetable Quinoa Salad (with Homemade Mayo and Chicken Option)


Snacks and Extras: 

Multi-Veggie and Fruit Juicing (and the topic of juicing)

Homemade Sourdough Biscuits

Caramelized Pear and Coconut Rice Pudding

Ultimate Homemade Gelatin Gummy Snack Collection

Sugar Busting Snack

Homemade Kombucha

Visit and search Real Food Family’s recipe archive for REAL FOOD recipes of all kinds!